That's basically the best way to describe it, other words that could be used include (but are not limited to) Big, Obtuse, Alarming and Grapefruit.
Wait... I think one of those may actually be wrong.
Anyway it's a really big fucking nose and for some reason we both ended up with it.
The thing about the nose its that it's really badass and we generally feel that it is responsible for all of our bad behaviour.
What I'm getting at is that the nose has personality.
You know that feeling you get from wearing lingerie, or a leather bomber jacket?
Well the nose makes you feel like that all the time.
This is starting to sound like a euphemism for snorting coke.
I hope that clears up any confusion.
Jennifer Grey had the nose but she got it 'fixed' and look what happened to her.
You're wondering what ever happened to Jennifer Grey now aren't you?
It's a big fucking nose, don't mess with it.